Meet the Team

Ronald Hays

Donna Hays Stewart

Jimmy Stewart

Matt Hays

Laura Sinyard

Tim Sanders

Dusty Shiver

Reid Garland

Ken Pate

Bruce McNabb

Will Murphy

Lauren Kent

Parts Manager Derrick smiles at the camera in front of a fireplace.

Derrick Crosby

Crystal Cochran

Stuart Thomas

Kaitlyn Hendley

Kyndall Butler

Jennifer Barnett

Ray Hays

In Loving Memory

Hays-LTI founder Ray Hays was born in Hopeful, GA in 1935. He spent most of his life devoted to the Agriculture Industry, which led him to begin manufacturing fertilizer hauling equipment in the early 1970s. 

At the heart of Hays-LTI’s success was Ray’s devotion to family and friendships which he expressed through constant gratitude and generosity – the very principles that still guide two of his children, Donna and Ronald, as they lead the company today. His sincerity and appreciation for all of his customers and employees helped grow Hays-LTI from one man’s vision to a company that supports over 50 families and counting. In 2014, the AG Industry, through the Georgia Plant Food Education Society, honored Ray with the prestigious Blair W. Davis Outstanding Service Award for his unfaltering commitment to the community.

Even after stepping down and handing the business over to his children, Ray never truly stepped away. His version of “retirement” saw him still coming to work every day, traveling nationwide, working every trade show, visiting customer after customer, telling funny stories, and giving out handshakes along with pecan pies. While his passing in February 2019 left a pair of shoes that can never be filled, it is his spirit of devotion to customers and community that continues to guide us at Hays-LTI every single day.